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Friday, 10 August 2012

Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God

This is again one you'll probably already know about, but it's an absolute fucking masterpiece and now it's available to buy via Bandcamp, so it's worth checking out again.

Blut Aus Nord are, IMHO, the best Black Metal band, possibly ever. Everything I look for in music (heaviness, darkness, experimentalism, progression, evolution) are key components in their music. Every release they put out is a progression from the one previous. "The Work Which Transforms God" was the album which really made these guys stand out from the crowd. Like nothing that had come before, the warped, twisting, slithering, bleakness which oozes from this record is almost inhuman. If you haven't already heard this, you really really need to right now!

Candlelight have also stuck quite a few of their releases on Bandcamp now, so check out their other stuff while you're over there. Absu's self titled album is great, as is Hellfire by 1349 and the Winterfylleth albums.


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